Monday, 5 October 2009

"Kakak la mane?" Part 2

It's now, the time to continue, that 'Raya' tale.

Let's make it short. I'm too lazy to write it. Where did I stop? Oh, kakak la. Padan muka kene tinggal. Hehe. We reached Singapore a bit late, uh correction, a lot. Never mind never mind. Biar lambat asal selamat kan? Kan?

Our first destination ; Rumah Abang Irwan.

Then, Cik Pah's of course. What do you expect. Anyway, our second home. Haha. I believe that I was super tired that night and zzzZZZZ. In the morning, it was super special.

I've been keeping that alarm tone since, I don't know but I'm sure it was a while. Haha. It was a birthday song that I recored from Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princessess. I editted it a bit. But still, it didn't work. It was like, there's a magnet between my fingers and the snooze button. Ahh, who cares. It's my birthday. Yada yada, things went well, and it was like any other day. I WAS SHOCKED!! I mean, come on people. It's raya and my birthday. But I said, nevermind, give them a chance. Like what I've promised, I pinned that button badge on my bag. It's nice.

When we were on our way to our first house -for that day, of course-, we received a call. But wait, let's flashback a bit. At Cik Pah's home, ayah receive a call from kampung. They said, "Puan Busu masuk hospital." Suddenly, my heart had this tingly feeling. You know, instincts. Ok, back to the story. We seperated into two cars. Two cars ok, not two groups. Two cars, one group. I'm with 'Verna'. Haha, the others with 'Waja'. Suddenly, Kak fau receive a call from Pak Ndak. Yeah, the bad news is just a moment away.

And that was the time when we receive it. Puan Busu's gone. Forever. I was half surprised and half not. Then I wrote something in my phone. My new addiction. Haha. Ok, sad moment, sad moment ;

02:39pm, Mon 21 Sep 2009. The moment of sadness i believe. Puan Busu just passed away. I know, extremely sad. What's more? It's my sweet 14 birthday. I've been waiting for this day for ages. And i thought that this would be the best day ever. Until . . . You know. Hmmm, Puan Busu, in memories. We love you. I know that she look extremely pale but, i never thought that her time has come.

It's short I know, I know. So, we just keep on 'beraya'. Ayah, at first, said that we would go back Melaka that exact night, but come on, he's tired. No way he's gonna make it. Tomorrow it is. Everything went well. My dad keep on calling and keep on receives calls.

We reached kampung safely. Everything went well. Kakak la, ayah, others and myself do cry a bit. I hate looking at my sister crying so, I tried to make her smile and I did it.

"Kak, Ika takde tisu tapi, kat sini ada kapas."

Hehe, I know it's lame. And, do you understand by that kapas? The kapas that you use to 'kafan kan jenazah.' Hehe. Everything went well, smooth, clear. Until now, she's still alive, in my heart.

Al- Fatihah

But, something shocked the hell out of me. Nope, the jenazah didn't woke up. Man, that's one nightmare. Ni, macam mane orang kampung boleh tahu kak nad tertinggal? Kita orang takde cakap pape pun. Lagipun, ada cerita yang salah. Tapi, camne cerita tu boleh meluas? Ada keluar berita ke? Suddenly, they keep on asking "Siapa yang tertinggal?", "Macam mane boleh tertinggal?". What the . . . Even we didn't recognize some of them. Huhu.

Talking about kak nad, geez, she got all of the spotlight. I mean, people people, relax. She's safe. OK, maybe that's all. Looks like this post is long. Didn't expect this. Btw, lucky kak nad she has her name as my post's title. Hmph.

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