Thursday, 1 October 2009

"Kakak la mane?" Part 1

First of all. I am freakin sorry. I know that it has been two weeks. But still, there's something that I wanted to share so much. Warning, you will find your pants wet by the end. No lah no lah. Kidding. This is a super delayed post. Hope you don't mind.

It all begin on 20th September.

As you all know, this is the date that most of people has been circling about. Haha. So, this time, we had celebrate our first day of raya in . . . Melaka! Yaayyyoouch! Boring. Just 11 of us. I mean, including our's (4 of 'em), Pak Ndak's (6 of 'em) and Mak Cik ( 1 jer). There were only two girls not including the elders. I'm talking about the cousins. So, I'm saying "AWKWARD!" In the morning, we bersalam-salaman -a tradition- then, we took some photos *snap snap*,

This is one of the photo taken. We didn't took so much photo really.

and we go out of the house as fast as we can before we got stuck. Among the houses that we had visit for a day, here's a tale from Mak Long Manja's. Not a tale really. Just a short review.

You know, Puan Busu lived there because you know. Don't wanna make it long. Oh, just say it. Just say that you're too lazy to write right now. So, when I look at her, she look so so pale. I was shocked at first and planning to take some photos of her but bye bye. No photo by the end. You will know why right after this. There's something fishy about it.

The best part is coming really soon.

That evening on the very same day, we gone to Singapore already. We stopped at Yong Peng for a moment cause ayah's sleepy. The older you get . . . you may finish it all by yourself. And for some reason, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I can see that the car is moving then, I turned to my left and shocked. I asked ayah "kakak la mane?" because I thought she went somewhere else. Then, ayah freaked out! I repeat, ayah freaked out! I can't believe that he just left Kak Nad at Yong Peng. And by that time, we were reaching Ayer Hitam. So, I write something on my phone and here it is. Exclusive for you guys ;

05:37pm, Sun 20 Sep 2009. It was all a nightmare. I was hoping that this is nothing more than a dream. Believe me, that i had pinched myself and it hurts. And it looks like somebody here is making it worst. Here how it all begins (from afieqah's perspective) . . . We stopped somewhere because my dad was sleepy. Old and exhauted. Tick tock boom. Suddenly i fell asleep. Something woke me up so, i open my eyes. I see that the car is moving and i'm glad. But something caught my eyes. Kak la was not here. That doesn't seem right. So, i asked, "kakak la mane?" than my father begin to shout and yada yada ugh *shivering* nightmare. And i was like shut the hell out of you. She do called but it doesn't seem to work. We know that the road back is long because, hello, this is a highway. We called kak nad's number which apparantely made my heart want to jump out of my chest. She doesn't have any of her phone with her. I know, what the f***. We called the number that had called ayah before but, they sudah jalan dulu and she is not with them. Then, we called Pak Ndak. I know, lots of calling business happening. They were still in kampung and so, the drama continues. Things were getting worst and loud. It was like madhouse. But now, they've learnt the word chillax. Thank goodness. Just now, my dad can't stop mumbling "haish" and "lain kali kalo nk kuar tu bgtau ah." i was madly deeply screaming "didn't you check whether all of us is safely in the car?" ugh! And now, we're about to go on the same road. Better get a pair of an earplug ready. I can't stand it anymore. Poor kak nad, poor ayah, poor abang, poor ME! Bye. I need some soothing music to calm me down. Worst raya ever . . .

Sorry about some of the unappropriate words. I was . . . scared. Haha.

P.S. Sejak Ibu takde, hidup kami ada sedikit tunggang terbalik. Hehe. Don't worry ibu.

When Kakak la entered the car, all of us burst into tears. I mean, we laughed the hell out of us. I can see that kakak la eyes was holding up tears and I've got to say, that memory's precious! Because of that 'incident' we reached Singapore a bit late.

So, I guess. I have to stop here. I have to do tons of things. Goodbye guys. No worry, I have one whole week to work out some updates.

Pengumuman ; Afieqah takde kat sini buat 3 hari ni. Ade kursus. Ok, wish me luck. Goodbye

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